
Accessibility Testing in Software Development

Written by Script-iT | Sep 28, 2023 10:20:55 AM
Introduction to Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing is a specialised form of software testing aimed at ensuring that digital products are usable by as many people as possible, including those with disabilities such as visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor impairments. The scope of this testing extends beyond merely finding defects or inconsistencies in software. It is geared towards evaluating the overall usability, navigability, and comprehension of digital platforms when accessed using assistive technologies like screen readers or through keyboard-only navigation.

The discipline of accessibility testing is not just a moral obligation but also a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. Let's examine some key regulatory frameworks that underscore its importance:

  1. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), WCAG is an internationally recognised set of guidelines for improving web accessibility. These guidelines are organised around four principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust (POUR). They offer detailed criteria to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities.
  2. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): In the United States, the ADA requires certain businesses and organisations to provide accessible digital content. While the act itself doesn't lay out specific standards for web accessibility, court rulings often refer to WCAG guidelines as a benchmark.
  3. Section 508: An amendment to the United States Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508 mandates federal agencies to make their electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities. This standard is more prescriptive, requiring compliance with specific technical criteria.

In summary, accessibility testing is integral to both ethical business practices and legal compliance. By adhering to established standards and guidelines, organisations not only widen their reach but also mitigate the risk of legal repercussions. A well-planned accessibility testing strategy incorporates both manual and automated evaluations to align software products with regulatory standards like WCAG, ADA, and Section 508, thereby ensuring that they are genuinely inclusive and universally usable.


Types of Accessibility Testing


Types of Accessibility Testing provide a multi-faceted approach to ensuring that a digital product or website is fully accessible to all users, regardless of any disabilities they may have. This process is typically categorised into Manual Testing, Automated Testing, and User Testing. Each has its strengths, and in an ideal testing environment, all three would be used in combination for the most robust results.

Manual Testing

Manual testing involves a tester actively navigating a system to identify accessibility issues. This method is particularly effective in understanding real-world interactions because automated tools can't entirely emulate human behavior or interpret context in the same way.

Keyboard-only Navigation

Many users with disabilities navigate the web solely through their keyboards. Manual testing should always include keyboard-only navigation checks to ensure that all interactive elements can be reached, activated, and manipulated without the use of a mouse.

Screen Reader Reviews

Screen readers translate digital text into synthesised speech. Conducting tests with popular screen readers like JAWS, NVDA, or VoiceOver is crucial for understanding how visually impaired users will interact with your platform. Evaluating elements like headers, links, and form controls through a screen reader gives insight into the user experience from this specific vantage point.

Automated Testing

Automated accessibility testing involves using software tools to scan a website or application for accessibility issues. Automated tests are efficient for catching routine errors, making them a valuable supplement to manual testing.

Tools Available

Various tools can conduct automated tests, such as Axe, WAVE, or Lighthouse. These tools can quickly scan a site to identify missing alt text, improper semantic structure, and other easily detectable issues.

Frequency and Scenarios

Automated testing can be incorporated into your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, allowing for frequent and consistent checks. It is advisable to run these tests in multiple scenarios, including after every build or prior to launching new features.

User Testing

User testing involves real users navigating your application or website. This method can provide the most realistic assessment of your platform's accessibility.

Real-world Scenario Assessments

Involving users with varying types of disabilities in the testing process gives unparalleled insight into real-world usability. Setting up scenarios that mirror typical user journeys can reveal both major and minor impediments to accessibility that may not be apparent through automated or manual testing alone.


Testing Metrics and KPIs

Effectively measuring the impact of your accessibility testing efforts requires more than a checklist approach to compliance. To truly gauge performance and progress, you'll need to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. These serve as quantitative and qualitative barometers to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall success of your accessibility testing initiatives.

Error Rates

One of the primary metrics to monitor is the error rate, often captured during automated and manual testing phases. These could range from minor issues like missing 'alt' text on images to severe problems like complete inaccessibility of an important feature via keyboard navigation. Monitoring the error rate across successive test cycles can give an indication of whether you're making progress or regressing.

  1. Total Error Count: The sum of all accessibility errors found during a specific testing cycle.
  2. Error Severity Levels: Categorising errors based on their impact can help prioritise remediation efforts.
  3. Error Resolution Time: The average time taken to resolve each error can indicate the efficiency of your QA and development teams.

User Satisfaction Scores

While compliance and error rates provide a technical measure of accessibility, user satisfaction scores offer insights into the human aspect.

  1. User Surveys: Post-interaction surveys focused on accessibility can provide direct user feedback.
  2. Net Promoter Score (NPS): An NPS survey that includes questions about accessibility can help gauge whether the feature set is meeting user expectations.
  3. Customer Support Interactions: Monitoring the frequency and nature of accessibility-related queries or complaints can offer another dimension of user satisfaction.

Compliance Levels

Compliance levels offer a structured measure of how well your software or website meets established accessibility guidelines and laws.

  1. WCAG Compliance Levels: The WCAG guidelines offer three levels of compliance—A, AA, and AAA. Monitoring your progress through these levels can provide a clear-cut metric for stakeholders.
  2. Automated Compliance Checks: Tools like Axe or WAVE provide compliance scores that can be tracked over time.
  3. Legal Compliance: Keeping a record of legal compliances like ADA or Section 508 adherence can offer both internal and external assurance that due diligence is being carried out.

Combining these metrics and KPIs can provide a multifaceted view of your accessibility efforts. By tracking these regularly, you can spot trends, make data-backed decisions, and continually refine your approach to making your software as accessible as possible.

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Setting Up an Accessibility Testing Strategy


Creating an effective accessibility testing strategy involves a systematic approach that blends assessment, planning, and execution. A strategic framework not only ensures compliance but also optimises the user experience for all, thus fulfilling both ethical and business imperatives.

Initial Assessment

Before you dive into testing, an initial assessment provides a baseline understanding of your application's current state of accessibility. This involves a preliminary audit using a mix of automated tools and manual checks to gauge how your product fares against key accessibility guidelines like WCAG.

Identifying Bottlenecks

Once you have an overview from the initial assessment, the next step is to identify bottlenecks that could potentially inhibit accessibility. These could range from technical issues like poor HTML structure to design limitations such as improper color contrast.

Gap Analysis

Gap analysis involves comparing your initial assessment results with ideal compliance and usability standards. This reveals the gaps you need to fill to make your application more accessible. Prioritise these gaps based on severity and impact to streamline the remediation process.


After understanding your gaps and bottlenecks, it's time to create a detailed plan to address them.


Determine the breadth and depth of your accessibility testing efforts. Will you be focusing only on critical user paths, or will you extend the testing to cover all pages and features? The scope should align with both your accessibility goals and organisational priorities.


Develop a realistic but flexible timeline for your accessibility testing process. This should include milestones for various phases, such as re-assessment after initial remediation efforts and ongoing checks for newly developed features.

Resource Allocation

Finally, designate the necessary resources for the testing initiative. This includes both human and technological assets. The team should consist of testers familiar with accessibility norms and, if possible, individuals who have first-hand experience with accessibility challenges.


Case Studies: Real-world Implementation

Understanding the tangible impact of accessibility testing is best illustrated through real-world case studies. These examples not only showcase how businesses have improved user experience (UX) but also highlight the benefits realised, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

How Businesses Have Improved UX

  1. E-Commerce Platform: A leading e-commerce platform used a multi-faceted accessibility strategy involving manual, automated, and user testing. Post-implementation, they saw a 30% reduction in cart abandonment rates among users who rely on assistive technologies.
  2. Financial Services Company: Focused on making its web portal accessible, this organisation performed rigorous keyboard-only and screen reader tests. This led to a redesign of their navigation menu and forms, making them more intuitive for all users, not just those with disabilities.
  3. Educational Institution: A university updated its online learning management system after a gap analysis highlighted multiple accessibility issues. Post-update, student engagement metrics showed an uptick, especially among those who had previously reported difficulties with the platform.

Benefits Realised, Quantitatively and Qualitatively

Quantitative Benefits
  1. Increased User Engagement: In each of the cases mentioned, metrics like time spent on the site and user engagement rates improved substantially.
  2. Revenue Impact: The e-commerce platform experienced a direct impact on sales, attributing a 5% revenue increase to improvements made post-accessibility testing.
  3. Reduced Legal Risk: By complying with ADA and Section 508 standards, these organisations significantly reduced the potential cost associated with accessibility-related litigation.
Qualitative Benefits
  1. Enhanced Brand Perception: Businesses that prioritise accessibility are generally viewed as socially responsible, which boosts brand image.
  2. Customer Loyalty: Users who find a platform accessible are more likely to return, thus contributing to long-term customer loyalty.
  3. Inclusivity: Perhaps the most significant qualitative benefit is inclusivity. Making digital assets accessible means providing equal opportunities for all individuals, irrespective of their physical capabilities.


Best Practices in Accessibility Testing

Ensuring your digital products are accessible requires more than a one-off testing effort. Accessibility testing should be woven into the fabric of your development and QA processes. Here are some best practices that can serve as guiding principles for effective accessibility testing.

Code Standards

  1. Semantic Markup: Using semantic HTML elements like headings, lists, and links helps screen readers interpret content. Ensure your code follows these semantics for better accessibility.
  2. ARIA Landmarks: Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) landmarks help define areas of a page, making it easier for assistive technologies to navigate the content. Use ARIA roles carefully to improve interaction and layout.
  3. CSS and JavaScript: Use CSS and JavaScript to enhance, not hinder, accessibility. Ensure that essential features are usable even if these technologies fail or are turned off by the user.

Testing Frequency

  1. Early and Often: Incorporate accessibility tests into the early stages of development. This enables you to catch issues sooner, reducing the time and cost of remediation.
  2. After Updates: Always conduct accessibility tests after updates or new feature releases. This ensures that new code hasn't introduced fresh accessibility issues.
  3. Scheduled Audits: Besides project-specific testing, schedule regular audits to assess the overall accessibility of your platforms. Quarterly or bi-annual checks can offer actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Review Mechanisms

  1. Peer Reviews: Have code reviewed by peers who understand accessibility requirements. This often catches issues that automated tools might miss.
  2. Checklists: Use accessibility checklists in line with established standards like WCAG to ensure all bases are covered during review phases.
  3. Feedback Loops: Establish mechanisms for users to report accessibility issues and provide feedback. This real-world input can be invaluable for making improvements.